This winter GUPA will be running two, 14-week league sessions for women’s-matching players. Games will take place at the University of Guelph Fieldhouse (turf fields) on Friday nights starting October 14th. The first two weeks will be at 8pm and then 9pm for the remaining weeks.
This league will run as a hat system. Teams will switch each week, with 1-2 designated captains on your team that will run “time-outs” or set focused things to work out for the game. The league is open to players of all skill levels with a willingness to play hard and develop their game. Our main goals are to have positive, supportive mentorship, gritty play and a hell of a good time!
The cost for each session is $100 per 14 week season. Limited drop in space will be available each week for $10 per game. If cost is a barrier to your participation, please reach out to the league coordinators for alternate arrangements.
If you have any questions please contact league coordinators Emily Atkinson ( or Carly Fraser (
We have included the term "women’s-matching league" in an effort to recognize that this league is open to all women (cis or trans), non-binary and two-spirit players that choose to play in what is currently "women's division" ultimate. If you have feedback or suggestions on this terminology, we welcome it!